Journal article
Prehospital and disaster medicine, 2020 Jun
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X, C., P, B., de Silva C, D, H., C, D., S, L., & CR, M. I. (2020). Systematic Review and Evaluation of Mathematical Attack Models of Human Inhalational Anthrax for Supporting Public Health Decision Making and Response. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.
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X, Chen, Bahl P, de Silva C, Heslop D, Doolan C, Lim S, and MacIntyre CR. “Systematic Review and Evaluation of Mathematical Attack Models of Human Inhalational Anthrax for Supporting Public Health Decision Making and Response.” Prehospital and disaster medicine (June 2020).
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X, Chen, et al. “Systematic Review and Evaluation of Mathematical Attack Models of Human Inhalational Anthrax for Supporting Public Health Decision Making and Response.” Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, June 2020, doi:10.1017/s1049023x20000734.
BibTeX Click to copy
title = {Systematic Review and Evaluation of Mathematical Attack Models of Human Inhalational Anthrax for Supporting Public Health Decision Making and Response.},
year = {2020},
month = jun,
journal = {Prehospital and disaster medicine},
doi = {10.1017/s1049023x20000734},
author = {X, Chen and P, Bahl and de Silva C and D, Heslop and C, Doolan and S, Lim and CR, MacIntyre},
month_numeric = {6}