Anisotropy Modelling for the Wall-Pressure Spectrum Under a Turbulent Boundary Layer
Yendrew Yauwenas, Con J Doolan, Paul Croaker, Graeme Lane
30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024), 2024, p. 3292
Experimental framework to examine turbulent puffs generated by human coughing
Prateek Bahl, Shovon Bhattacharjee, Raina MacIntyre, Con Doolan, Charitha de Silva
Physics of Fluids, vol. 36, AIP Publishing, 2024 Oct
A numerical framework for the analysis of indoor air quality in a classroom
Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelkareem Mahmoud, P. Bahl, A.F. V. de A. Aquino, C.R. Maclntyre, S. Bhattacharjee, D. Green, N. Cooper, C. Doolan, C. de Silva
Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 92, Elsevier BV, 2024 Sep, p. 109659
Comparison of Small Rotor Tonal and Random Noise Decomposition Methods
Justin Malkki, Yendrew Yauwenas, Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau
Acoustics Australia, vol. 52, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024 Aug, pp. 323–337
Noise generation mechanisms of a micro-tube porous trailing edge
Chaoyang Jiang, Danielle Moreau, Charitha de Silva, Con Doolan
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 571, Elsevier BV, 2024 Feb, p. 118085
Theoretical prediction of unsteady wall pressure during turbulence-airfoil-interaction
Con Doolan, Roman Kisler, Chaoyang Jiang, Charitha de Silva, Danielle Moreau
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 154, Acoustical Society of America, 2023, pp. A104--A105
Acoustic Loads on Hypersonic Engines
Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau, Manuj Awasthi, Sean McCreton, Angus Wills, Ziao Zhang
UNSW Sydney, 2023
Noise generation mechanisms of a micro-tube porous trailing edge
Chaoyang Jiang, Danielle Moreau, Charitha de Silva, Con Doolan
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023, p. 118085
Aeroacoustics of turbulent flow over a forward–backward facing step
Chung-Hao Ma, Manuj Awasthi, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023, p. 117840
Gorica Micic, Branko Zajamsek, Bastien Lechat, Kristy Hansen, Hannah Scott, Barbara Toson, Tessa Liebich, Claire Dunbar, Duc Phuc Nguyen, Felix Decup, Andrew Vakulin, Nicole Lovato, Leon Lack, Colin Hansen, Dorothy Bruck, Ching Li Chai-Coetzer, Jeremy Mercer, Con Doolan, Peter Catcheside
Sleep Advances, 2023
Wall Mounted Square Cylinder Flow Noise
Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan, Yendrew Yauwenas
UNSW Sydney, 2023
Charlotte Wesley, Chaoyang Jiang, Farshid Pahlevani, Con Doolan, undefined Heriyanto, Veena Sahajwalla
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 197, 2023, p. 107112
Aeroacoustics of turbulent flow over a forward–backward facing step
Chung-Hao Ma, Manuj Awasthi, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 563, Elsevier BV, 2023 Oct, p. 117840
Charlotte Wesley, Chaoyang Jiang, Farshid Pahlevani, Con Doolan, Heriyanto, Veena Sahajwalla
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 197, Elsevier {BV}, 2023 Oct, p. 107112
Gorica Micic, Branko Zajamsek, Bastien Lechat, Kristy Hansen, Hannah Scott, Barbara Toson, Tessa Liebich, Claire Dunbar, Duc Phuc Nguyen, Felix Decup, Andrew Vakulin, Nicole Lovato, Leon Lack, Colin Hansen, Dorothy Bruck, Ching Li Chai-Coetzer, Jeremy Mercer, Con Doolan, Peter Catcheside
Sleep Advances, Oxford University Press ({OUP}), 2023 Sep
Donna Green, Nathan Cooper, Charitha de Silva, Prateek Bahl, Shovon Bhattacharjee, Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelkareem Mahmoud, Con Doolan, C Raina Macintyre
Environmental Research: Health, vol. 1, IOP Publishing, 2023 Aug, p. 041001
Donna Green, Nathan Cooper, Charitha Mahesh de Silva, Prateek Bahl, Shovon Bhattacharjee, Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelkareem Mahmoud, Con Doolan, Raina MacIntyre
Environmental Research: Health, 2023 Jul
Valentina Costantino, Prateek Bahl, Con Doolan, Charitha de Silva, David Heslop, Xin Chen, Samsung Lim, Chandini Raina MacIntyre
Health Security, vol. 21, Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2023 Feb, pp. 61--69
Supersonic cylinder wake dynamics
M. Awasthi, S. McCreton, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 945, 2022, pp. A4
An experimental investigation of drone propeller noise in a hybrid wind tunnel
Zhengpang Bian, Yendrew Yauwenas, Manuj Awasthi, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan
UNSW Sydney, 2022
An Experimental Investigation of the Interaction between an Airfoil and the Wake of a Cylinder
Rowena Dixon, Chaoyang Jiang, Charitha de Silva, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan
UNSW Sydney, 2022
Towards realistic simulations of human cough: Effect of droplet emission duration and spread angle
Mogeng Li, Kai Leong Chong, Chong Shen Ng, Prateek Bahl, Charitha M. de Silva, Roberto Verzicco, Con Doolan, C. Raina MacIntyre, Detlef Lohse
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 147, 2022, p. 103883
The interaction of Isotropic Turbulent flow with an Airfoil Leading-Edge
Ahmed Mahgoub, Chaoyang Jiang, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan, Charitha de Silva
UNSW Sydney, 2022
The Design and Characterisation of the UNSW Anechoic Wind Tunnel
Danielle Moreau, Charitha de Silva, Roman Kisler, Jiawei Tan, Chaoyang Jiang, Manuj Awasthi, Con Doolan
UNSW Sydney, 2022
An experimental and simulation study of refrigerant flow within a condenser valve
Angus Wills, Charitha de Silva, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan, Ron Liu, Meltem Alaf, Tsuyoshi Yamada
UNSW Sydney, 2022
Angus Wills, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan
UNSW Sydney, 2022
Characterization of the Flow Field Generated by a NACA 0012 Flat Wing Tip
Tingyi Zhang, Yuchen Ding, Con Doolan, Jeoffrey Fischer, Charitha de Silva, Thomas Geyer, Danielle Moreau
UNSW Sydney, 2022
Airborne or Droplet Precautions for Health Workers Treating Coronavirus Disease 2019?
Prateek Bahl, Con Doolan, Charitha de Silva, Abrar Ahmad Chughtai, Lydia Bourouiba, C Raina MacIntyre
The Journal of Infectious Diseases, vol. 225, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2022 May, pp. 1561–1568
Investigation of the mean pressure field in the wing-wall junction region
Y. Ding, C.M. de Silva, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 94, Elsevier {BV}, 2022 Apr, p. 108942
Towards realistic simulations of human cough: Effect of droplet emission duration and spread angle
Mogeng Li, Kai Leong Chong, Chong Shen Ng, Prateek Bahl, Charitha M. de Silva, Roberto Verzicco, Con Doolan, C. Raina MacIntyre, Detlef Lohse
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 147, Elsevier {BV}, 2022 Feb, p. 103883
Shovon Bhattacharjee, Prateek Bahl, Charitha de Silva, Con Doolan, Abrar Ahmad Chughtai, David Heslop, Raina MacIntyre
Safety and Health at Work, vol. 13, Elsevier {BV}, 2022 Jan, pp. S164
Acoustic localization of a buoyancy driven model using a beamforming hydrophone array
J. Fischer, C. Doolan, M. Rowan, D. Lamos, J. Seers, O. Vargas, S. Lam, A. Skvortsov
Applied Acoustics, vol. 174, 2021
T. Padois, J. Fischer, C. Doolan, O. Doutres
Applied Acoustics, vol. 177, 2021
Flow dynamics of droplets expelled during sneezing
Prateek Bahl, Charitha de Silva, C. Raina MacIntyre, Shovon Bhattacharjee, Abrar Ahmad Chughtai, Con Doolan
Physics of Fluids, vol. 33, {AIP} Publishing, 2021 Nov, p. 111901
Experimental Investigation of Tip Vortex Formation Noise Produced by Wall-Mounted Finite Airfoils
Tingyi Zhang, Thomas Geyer, Charitha de Silva, Jeoffrey Fischer, Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 34, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2021 Nov
Y. Ding, T. Zhang, T. F. Geyer, C. M. de Silva, C. J. Doolan, D. J. Moreau
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 34, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2021 Sep
Additively Manufactured Sound-Absorbing Porous Structures for Airfoil Trailing-Edge Noise Control
Chaoyang Jiang, Danielle Moreau, Jeoffrey Fischer, Con Doolan
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 34, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2021 Sep
Bespoke flow experiments to capture the dynamics of coughs and sneezes
Charitha Mahesh de Silva, Prateek Bahl, Con Doolan, Raina MacIntyre
Measurement Science and Technology, {IOP} Publishing, 2021 Aug
On the instability mechanisms of ship propeller wakes
S. Ahmed, P. Croaker, C.J. Doolan
Ocean Engineering, vol. 213, 2020
Face coverings and mask to minimise droplet dispersion and aerosolisation: A video case study
P. Bahl, S. Bhattacharjee, C. De Silva, A.A. Chughtai, C. Doolan, C.R. Macintyre
Thorax, vol. 75, 2020, pp. 1024-1025
An experimental framework to capture the flow dynamics of droplets expelled by a sneeze
P. Bahl, C.M. de Silva, A.A. Chughtai, C.R. MacIntyre, C. Doolan
Experiments in Fluids, vol. 61, 2020
Acoustic analysis of a forced-oscillating cylinder in flow using a hybrid method
R. Ma, Z. Liu, G. Zhang, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau
Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 106, 2020
M.R. Rastan, A. Sohankar, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan, M. Awasthi
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 112, 2020
Schlieren image velocimetry for wall-bounded supersonic flows
A.O. Wills, M. Awasthi, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
AIAA Journal, vol. 58, 2020, pp. 4174-4177
Identifying grinding mill dynamics using acoustic beamforming and numerical modelling
Dongling Wu, Wei Chen, Hongjie Yan, Jeoffrey Fischer, Con Doolan
Powder Technology, vol. 371, 2020, pp. 231 - 243
A cross-hotwire calibration method with implicit temperature correction,????????????????????
J. Zhang, J. Zhang, H. Lei, W. Zhao, C. Doolan
Kongqi Donglixue Xuebao/Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, vol. 38, 2020, pp. 43-47
T. Zhang, D. Moreau, T. Geyer, J. Fischer, C. Doolan
Data in Brief, vol. 28, 2020
Unsteady interaction between shear layer vortices and a bow shock during supersonic injection
Z. Zhang, M. Awasthi, S.F. McCreton, A. O.wills, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM, 1 PartF, 2020, pp. 1-12
Droplets and Aerosols Generated by Singing and the Risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019 for Choirs
Prateek Bahl, Charitha de Silva, Shovon Bhattacharjee, Haley Stone, Con Doolan, Abrar Ahmad Chughtai, C Raina MacIntyre
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2020 Aug
An improved eigenvalue background noise reduction method for acoustic beamforming
J. Fischer, C. Doolan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 140, Elsevier BV, 2020 Jun, p. 106702
Chen X, Bahl P, de Silva C, Heslop D, Doolan C, Lim S, MacIntyre CR
Prehospital and disaster medicine, 2020 Jun
Tingyi Zhang, Danielle Moreau, Thomas Geyer, Jeoffrey Fischer, Con Doolan
Data in Brief, vol. 30, Elsevier BV, 2020 Jun, p. 105471
The Effect of Aspect Ratio on Wall Pressure Fluctuations at a Wing-Plate Junction
M. Awasthi, J. Rowlands, D. J. Moreau, C. J. Doolan
Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol. 142, ASME International, 2020 Mar
Noise from a blunt edged flat plate in a reverberant water tunnel
P. Croaker, J. Venning, M. Karimi, P. Brandner, C. Doolan, N. Kessissoglou
Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics, 2019-September, 2019, pp. 5320-5326
C. Doolan, D. Moreau, M. Awasthi, C. Jiang
Australian Acoustical Society Annual Conference, AAS 2018, 2019, pp. 79-80
Engineered hybrid fibre reinforced composites for sound absorption building applications
C.A. Echeverria, F. Pahlevani, W. Handoko, C. Jiang, C. Doolan, V. Sahajwalla
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2019, pp. 1-14
J.R. Fischer, C.J. Doolan, A. Skvortsov
25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2019, 2019
C. Jiang, J. Fischer, D. Moreau, C. Doolan
25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2019, 2019
Hybrid artificial boundary conditions for the application of blunt-body aerodynamic noise prediction
R. Ma, Z. Liu, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, M. Czarnecki
Archives of Acoustics, vol. 44, 2019, pp. 105-116
Influence of camber on wall-mounted finite airfoil tonal noise generation
D.J. Moreau, T.F. Geyer, C.J. Doolan, E. Sarradj
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2019, pp. 337-342
R. Porteous, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 146, 2019, pp. 1808-1816
Transient aspects of impinging shock-wave/boundary layer interactions
A.O. Wills, M. Awasthi, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, 2019, pp. 1-11
The effect of inflow disturbance on drone propeller noise
Y. Yauwenas, J. Fischer, D. Moreau, C. Doolan
25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2019, 2019
Experimental and numerical investigation of blade?tower interaction noise
B. Zajamsek, Y. Yauwenas, C.J. Doolan, K.L. Hansen, V. Timchenko, J. Reizes, C.H. Hansen
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 443, 2019, pp. 362-375
J. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Zhang, C. Doolan, J. Fischer, D. Moreau
25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2019, 2019
Tingyi Zhang, Thomas Geyer, Con Doolan
UNSW Sydney, 2019
Tingyi Zhang, Thomas Geyer, Con Doolan
UNSW Sydney, 2019
Evidence of Long-Distance Aerial Convection of Variola Virus and Implications for Disease Control
Chandini Raina MacIntyre, Arpita Das, Xin Chen, Charitha De Silva, Con Doolan
Viruses, vol. 12, MDPI AG, 2019 Dec, p. 33
An investigation of airfoil dual acoustic feedback mechanisms at low-to-moderate Reynolds number
Elias Arcondoulis, Con J. Doolan, Anthony C. Zander, Laura A. Brooks, Yu Liu
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 460, Elsevier BV, 2019 Nov, p. 114887
Control of Aeolian tones from a circular cylinder using forced oscillation
Ruixian Ma, Zhansheng Liu, Guanghui Zhang, Con J. Doolan, Danielle J. Moreau
Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 94, Elsevier BV, 2019 Nov, p. 105370
The explosion at Vector: hoping for the best while preparing for the worst
C Raina MacIntyre, Con Doolan, Charitha De SIlva
Global Biosecurity, vol. 1, University of New South Wales Library, 2019 Sep, p. 91
The effect of aspect ratio on the wake structure of finite wall-mounted square cylinders
Yendrew Yauwenas, Ric Porteous, Danielle J. Moreau, Con J. Doolan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 875, Cambridge University Press ({CUP}), 2019 Jul, pp. 929--960
Controlled flow over a finite square cylinder using suction and blowing
M.R. Rastan, A. Sohankar, Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau, E. Shirani, Md. Mahbub Alam
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 156, Elsevier BV, 2019 Jun, pp. 410–434
Airfoil dual acoustic feedback mechanisms at low-to-moderate reynolds number
E.J.G. Arcondoulis, L.A. Brooks, A.C. Zander, C.J. Doolan, Y. Liu
2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2018
Two-step hybrid calibration of remote microphones
M. Awasthi, J. Rowlands, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 144, 2018, pp. EL477-EL483
M. Awasthi, Y. Yauwenas, J. Rowlands, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2018
Sound generation by a supersonic reacting mixing layer
I Cartmill, N Gibbons, V Wheatley, C Doolan
UNSW Sydney, 2018
Sound generation by a supersonic reacting mixing layer
I. Cartmill, N. Gibbons, V. Wheatley, C. Doolan
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018, 2018
Sound generation by a supersonic reacting mixing layer
I. Cartmill, N. Gibbons, V. Wheatley, C. Doolan
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018, 2018
A computational flow-induced noise and time-reversal technique for analysing aeroacoustic sources
P. Croaker, A. Mimani, C. Doolan, N. Kessissoglou
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 143, 2018, pp. 2301-2312
Numerical and experimental investigation of the flow-induced noise of awall-mounted airfoil
P. Croaker, D. Moreau, M. Awasthi, M. Karimi, C. Doolan, N. Kessissoglou
Flinovia-Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects-II: A Focus on Measurement, Modeling, Simulation and Reproduction of the Flow Excitation and Flow Induced Response, 2018, pp. 99-112
Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau, Manuj Awasthi, Chaoyang Jiang
UNSW Sydney, 2018
Measurement of the noise generated by wall-mounted airfoils of different thickness
T.F. Geyer, D.J. Moreau, J. Giesler, P.M. Hall, E. Sarradj, C.J. Doolan
2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2018
Control of rotor trailing edge noise using porous additively manufactured blades
C. Jiang, Y. Yauwenas, J. Fischer, D. Moreau, C. Doolan, J. Gao, W. Jiang, R. McKay, M. Kingan
2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2018
A Review of the Potential Impacts of Wind Farm Noise on Sleep
G. Micic, B. Zajamsek, L. Lack, K. Hansen, C. Doolan, C. Hansen, A. Vakulin, N. Lovato, D. Bruck, C.L. Chai-Coetzer, J. Mercer, P. Catcheside
Acoustics Australia, vol. 46, 2018, pp. 87-97
Transient start-up of a sonic jet in hypersonic crossflow
W.A. Miller, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell, M. Kim
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018, 2018
Transient start-up of a sonic jet in hypersonic crossflow
W.A. Miller, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell, M. Kim
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018, 2018
A. Mimani, J. Fischer, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 111, 2018, pp. 456-491
Surface curvature effects on the tonal noise of a wall-mounted finite airfoil
D.J. Moreau, T.F. Geyer, C.J. Doolan, E. Sarradj
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 143, 2018, pp. 3460-3473
A correction method for acoustic source localisation in convex shear layer geometries
R. Porteous, T. Geyer, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Applied Acoustics, vol. 130, 2018, pp. 128-132
The flow around a circular cylinder above a plate
J. Tan, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, J.R. Fischer
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018, 2018
The flow around a circular cylinder above a plate
J. Tan, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, J.R. Fischer
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018, 2018
The flow around a circular cylinder above a plate
Jiawei Tan, Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau, Jeoffrey Fischer
UNSW Sydney, 2018
Flow characteristics of an air jet in a Mach 3 crossflow
Angus Wills, Sean McCreton, Ziao Zhang, Manuj Awasthi, Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau, Warrick Miller
UNSW Sydney, 2018
Flow characteristics of an air jet in a Mach 3 crossflow
A.O. Wills, S.F. McCreton, Z. Zhang, M. Awasthi, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, W.A. Miller
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018, 2018
Flow characteristics of an air jet in a Mach 3 crossflow
A.O. Wills, S.F. McCreton, Z. Zhang, M. Awasthi, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, W.A. Miller
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018, 2018
Flow characteristics of an air jet in a Mach 3 crossflow
AO Wills, SF McCreton, Z Zhang, M Awasthi, CJ Doolan, DJ Moreau, WA Miller
UNSW Sydney, 2018
Flow structure of a low aspect ratio wall-mounted airfoil operating in a low Reynolds number flow
M. Awasthi, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 99, Elsevier {BV}, 2018 Dec, pp. 94--116
Numerical investigation of a pulsed reaction control jet in hypersonic crossflow
Warrick A. Miller, Paul R. Medwell, Con J. Doolan, Minkwan Kim
Physics of Fluids, vol. 30, AIP Publishing, 2018 Oct
Transient interaction between a reaction control jet and a hypersonic crossflow
Warrick A. Miller, Paul R. Medwell, Con J. Doolan, Minkwan Kim
Physics of Fluids, vol. 30, {AIP} Publishing, 2018 Apr, p. 046102
C.J. Bahr, W.M. Humphreys, D. Ernst, T. Ahlefeldt, C. Spehr, A. Pereira, Q. Lecl{\`e}re, C. Picard, R. Porteous, D.J. Moreau, J. Fischer, C.J. Doolan
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017, 2017
C.J. Bahr, W.M. Humphreys, D. Ernst, T. Ahlefeldt, C. Spehr, A. Pereira, Q. Lecl{\`e}re, C. Picard, R. Porteous, D.J. Moreau, J. Fischer, C.J. Doolan
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017, 2017
J. Fischer, C. Doolan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 91, 2017, pp. 10-22
J. Fischer, C. Doolan
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 411, 2017, pp. 129-147
Wind tunnel flow noise measurements using a random design acoustic array
J. Fischer, M. Rowan, P. Jacquemin, D. Lamos, O. Vargas, J. Malcolm, A. Skvortsov, C. Doolan
Proceedings of ACOUSTICS 2017 Perth: Sound, Science and Society - 2017 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, AAS 2017, 2017
Unsteady flow physics of the blade-tower interaction of a pylon-mounted fan
J. Fischer, Y. Yauwenas, C.J. Doolan, V. Timchenko, J. Reizes
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017, 2017
Unsteady flow physics of the blade-tower interaction of a pylon-mounted fan
J. Fischer, Y. Yauwenas, C.J. Doolan, V. Timchenko, J. Reizes
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017, 2017
Acoustic absorption of porous materials produced by additive manufacturing with varying geometries
C. Jiang, D. Moreau, C. Doolan
Proceedings of ACOUSTICS 2017 Perth: Sound, Science and Society - 2017 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, AAS 2017, 2017
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017, 2017
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017, 2017
Camber effects on the tonal noise and flow characteristics of a wall-mounted finite airfoil
D.J. Moreau, T.F. Geyer, C.J. Doolan, E. Sarradj
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017, 2017
Camber effects on the tonal noise and flow characteristics of a wall-mounted finite airfoil
D.J. Moreau, T.F. Geyer, C.J. Doolan, E. Sarradj
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017, 2017
The aeroacoustics of finite wall-mounted square cylinders
R. Porteous, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 832, 2017, pp. 287-328
A microphone array method benchmarking exercise using synthesized input data
E. Sarradj, G. Herold, P. Sijtsma, R.M. Martinez, A. Malgoezar, M. Snellen, T.F. Geyer, C.J. Bahr, R. Porteous, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017, 2017
A microphone array method benchmarking exercise using synthesized input data
E. Sarradj, G. Herold, P. Sijtsma, R.M. Martinez, A. Malgoezar, M. Snellen, T.F. Geyer, C.J. Bahr, R. Porteous, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017, 2017
Numerical simulation of blade-passage noise
Y. Yauwenas, B. Zajam?ek, J. Reizes, V. Timchenko, C.J. Doolan
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 142, 2017, pp. 1575-1586
Experimental investigation of trailing edge noise from stationary and rotating airfoils
B. Zajamsek, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, J. Fischer, Z. Prime
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 141, 2017, pp. 3291-3301
Akhilesh Mimani, Ric Porteous, Con J. Doolan
Wave Motion, vol. 70, Elsevier {BV}, 2017 Apr, pp. 65--89
Wake structure of airfoil with serrated trailing edge
M. Awasthi, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau
Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2016, 2016
Wake structure of airfoil with serrated trailing edge
M. Awasthi, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau
Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2016, 2016
Statistical estimation of trailing edge noise from finite wall-mounted airfoils
J. Coombs, C. Doolan, A. Zander, D. Moreau, L. Brooks
2nd Australasian Acoustical Societies Conference, ACOUSTICS 2016, vol. 1, 2016, pp. 430-439
Flow-induced noise prediction using a RANS-BEM technique
P. Croaker, H. Peters, L. Chen, C. Doolan, N. Kessissoglou
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, pp. 33-38
Flow-induced noise generated by sub-boundary layer steps
C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 72, 2016, pp. 47-58
Characterisation and modelling of axial fan noise
B. Faverjon, J. Fischer, C. Doolan, D. Moreau, Z. Prime
22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2016, 2016
An empirical de-reverberation technique for closed-section wind tunnel beamforming
J. Fischer, C. Doolan
22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2016, 2016
Aeroacoustic beamforming of a model wind-turbine in anechoic and reverberant environments
J. Fischer, C. Doolan, B. Zajamsek
2nd Australasian Acoustical Societies Conference, ACOUSTICS 2016, vol. 2, 2016, pp. 1157-1166
Preliminary investigation of sound generation in scramjets
N. Gibbons, V. Wheatley, C. Doolan
Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2016, 2016
Preliminary investigation of sound generation in scramjets
N. Gibbons, V. Wheatley, C. Doolan
Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2016, 2016
W.A. Miller, P.R. Medwell, M. Kim, C.J. Doolan
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2016
A. Mimani, P. Croaker, M. Karimi, C.J. Doolan, N. Kessissoglou
2nd Australasian Acoustical Societies Conference, ACOUSTICS 2016, vol. 1, 2016, pp. 465-474
Enhanced focal-resolution of dipole sources using aeroacoustic time-reversal in a wind tunnel
A. Mimani, D.J. Moreau, Z. Prime, C.J. Doolan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 72-73, 2016, pp. 925-937
An experimental application of aeroacoustic time-reversal to the Aeolian tone
A. Mimani, Z. Prime, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 139, 2016, pp. 740-763
An investigation of the tonal noise produced by a wall-mounted finite airfoil at angle of attack
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2016, 2016
An experimental study of airfoil tip vortex formation noise
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
2nd Australasian Acoustical Societies Conference, ACOUSTICS 2016, vol. 2, 2016, pp. 1167-1176
The generation of tonal noise from sawtooth trailing-edge serrations at low Reynolds numbers
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Aeronautical Journal, vol. 120, 2016, pp. 971-983
An experimental investigation of wall-mounted finite airfoil turbulent boundary layer noise
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan, W.N. Alexander, T.W. Meyers, W.J. Devenport
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, pp. 45-49
Wall-mounted finite airfoil-noise production and prediction
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan, W. Nathan Alexander, T.W. Meyers, W.J. Devenport
AIAA Journal, vol. 54, 2016, pp. 1637-1651
Characterisation of wind farm infrasound and low-frequency noise
B. Zajam?ek, K.L. Hansen, C.J. Doolan, C.H. Hansen
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 370, 2016, pp. 176-190
Aerodynamic sound from a square cylinder with a downstream wedge
Siti Ruhliah Lizarose Samion, Mohamed Sukri Mat Ali, Aminudin Abu, Con J. Doolan, Ric Zong-Yang Porteous
Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 53, Elsevier {BV}, 2016 Jun, pp. 85--94
Tonal noise production from a wall-mounted finite airfoil
Danielle J. Moreau, Con J. Doolan
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 363, Elsevier {BV}, 2016 Feb, pp. 199--224
SEMI-empirical turbulence models suitable for trailing edge noise predictions
C.A. Albarracin, C.J. Doolan
9th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP 2015, vol. 1, 2015
Leading edge noise prediction using a hybrid RANS-BEM technique
P. Croaker, C. Doolan, N. Kessissoglou
Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley, 2015
P. Croaker, A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, N. Kessissoglou
Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley, 2015
An experimental investigation of flow-induced noise mechanism of a flexible flat-plate trailing-edge
C. Das, A. Mimani, R.Y. Porteous, C.J. Doolan
Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley, 2015
Directivity of Wind Turbines Operating in Phase
C. Doolan
Acoustics Australia, vol. 43, 2015, pp. 199-201
Unsteady quasi-one-dimensional modelling for propulsion systems
C.J. Doolan
APISAT 2015 - 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 2015, pp. 710-717
Analytical noise modelling of a centrifugal fan validated by experimental data
B. Faverjon, C. Doolan, D. Moreau, P. Croaker, N. Kinkaid
Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley, 2015
A.D. Jagtap, R. Porteous, A. Mimani, C. Doolan
Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley, 2015
The effect of a serrated trailing edge on self-noise reduction of a flat plate
M. Karimi, P. Croaker, C. Doolan, N. Kessissoglou
Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley, 2015
Aerodynamic noise prediction of a sharp-edged flat plate using a CFD-BEM technique
M. Karimi, P. Croaker, C. Doolan, N. Kessissoglou
INTER-NOISE 2015 - 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 2015
Experimental application of aeroacoustic time-reversal
A. Mimani, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2015
Experimental application of aeroacoustic time-reversal
A. Mimani, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2015
A sponge-layer damping technique for aeroacoustic Time-Reversal
A. Mimani, Z. Prime, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 342, 2015, pp. 124-151
The noise created by an airfoil in the wake of a sub-boundary layer step
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
APISAT 2015 - 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 2015, pp. 490-499
Wall-mounted finite airfoil noise production and prediction
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan, W. Nathan Alexander, T.W. Meyers, W.J. Devenport
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2015
Wall-mounted finite airfoil noise production and prediction
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan, W. Nathan Alexander, T.W. Meyers, W.J. Devenport
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2015
Three-dimensional beamforming of dipolar aeroacoustic sources
R. Porteous, Z. Prime, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, V. Valeau
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 355, 2015, pp. 117-134
A Sivakumar, R Porteous, A Mimani, C Doolan
UNSW Sydney, 2015
A. Sivakumar, R. Porteous, A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan
Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley, 2015
R. Sudhakaran, A. Mimani, R. Potreous, C.J. Doolan
Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley, 2015
Evaluation of the performance of a passive-active vibration isolation system
L.L. Sun, C.H. Hansen, C. Doolan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 50-51, 2015, pp. 480-497
An experimental investigation of the flow in the near wake of a sharp-edged strut
C.A. Albarracin, C.J. Doolan
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014, 2014
Self-noise prediction of a flat plate using a hybrid RANS-BEM technique
P. Croaker, N. Kessissoglou, M. Karimi, C. Doolan, L. Chen
INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control, 2014
Noise from sub-boundary layer steps
C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, P.A. Brandner, B.W. Pearce, K.L. De Graaf
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014, 2014
Flow-Induced Noise from a Sharp-Edged Flat Plate Using a Quasi-Periodic CFD-BEM Technique
M Karimi, P Croaker, N Kessissoglou, C Doolan, S Marburg
UNSW Sydney, 2014
Self-noise prediction of a sharp-edged strut using a quasi-periodic cfd-bem technique
M. Karimi, P. Croaker, N. Kessissoglou, C. Doolan, S. Marburg
INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control, 2014
Flow-induced noise from a sharp-edged flat plate using a quasi-periodic CFD-BEM technique
M. Karimi, P. Croaker, N. Kessissoglou, C. Doolan, S. Marburg
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014, 2014
Simulation of a transient supersonic jet
W.A. Miller, C.J. Doolan, Z.D. Prime, M. Kim
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014, 2014
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
Aeroacoustic time-reversal in the presence of a reflecting surface
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell
INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control, 2014
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 136, 2014, pp. EL199-EL205
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell
INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control, 2014
On the flow and noise of a two-dimensional step element in a turbulent boundary layer
D.J. Moreau, J.L. Coombs, C.J. Doolan
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 8, 2014, pp. 225-230
Experimental investigation of wall-mounted finite airfoil flow noise
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan, W.N. Alexander, T.W. Meyers, W.J. Devenport
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014, 2014
An experimental study of the flow-induced noise created by a wall-mounted finite length airfoil
D.J. Moreau, Z. Prime, C.J. Doolan
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
An experimental study of the flow-induced noise created by a wall-mounted finite length airfoil
D.J. Moreau, Z. Prime, C.J. Doolan
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
Flow-induced noise of a wall-mounted finite airfoil at low-to-moderate Reynolds number
D.J. Moreau, Z. Prime, R. Porteous, C.J. Doolan, V. Valeau
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 333, 2014, pp. 6924-6941
The flow-induced noise of square finite wall-mounted cylinders in different boundary layers
R. Porteous, D. Moreau, C. Doolan, Z. Prime
INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control, 2014
A review of flow-induced noise from finite wall-mounted cylinders
R. Porteous, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol. 51, 2014, pp. 240-254
Wake dynamics of circular finite wall-mounted cylinders in different boundary layers
R. Porteous, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan, Z. Prime
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014, 2014
Three-dimensional beamforming of aeroacoustic sources
R. Porteous, Z. Prime, V. Valeau, C. Doolan, D. Moreau
INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control, 2014
Beamforming array optimisation and phase averaged sound source mapping on a model wind turbine
Z. Prime, C. Doolan, B. Zajamsek
INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control, 2014
Z. Prime, A. Mimani, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
Z. Prime, A. Mimani, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
Flow modelling and noise generation of interacting prisms
Z. Prime, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan, M.S.M. Ali, S.M. Salleh, S.N.A.M. Haris
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
Flow modelling and noise generation of interacting prisms
Z. Prime, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan, M.S.M. Ali, S.M. Salleh, S.N.A.M. Haris
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
The effect of acoustic forcing on an airfoil tonal noise mechanism
K.L. Schumacher, C.J. Doolan, R.M. Kelso
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 136, 2014
The effect of a cavity on airfoil tones
K.L. Schumacher, C.J. Doolan, R.M. Kelso
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 333, 2014, pp. 1913-1931
Asymmetric flow about a chevron-shaped cavity
K.L. Schumacher, R.M. Kelso, C.J. Doolan, C.X. Thong
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014, 2014
Tandem cylinder flow and noise predictions using a hybrid RANS/LES approach
M. Weinmann, R.D. Sandberg, C. Doolan
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 50, 2014, pp. 263-278
Experimental measurements of rotating and stationary wind turbine rotor blade noise
B. Zajamsek, C. Doolan, Z. Prime
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014, 2014
Characterising noise and annoyance in homes near a wind farm
B. Zajamsek, D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Acoustics Australia, vol. 42, 2014, pp. 14-19
Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a detached flat plate
M.S.M. Ali, C.J. Doolan, V. Wheatley
AIAA Journal, vol. 51, 2013, pp. 291-301
An experimental investigation of airfoil tonal noise caused by an acoustic feedback loop
E.J.G. Arcondoulis, C.J. Doolan, A.C. Zander, L.A. Brooks
Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2013, Acoustics 2013: Science, Technology and Amenity, 2013, pp. 23-30
Noise modelling of wing-in-junction flows
J.L. Coombs, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, A.C. Zander, L.A. Brooks
Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2013, Acoustics 2013: Science, Technology and Amenity, 2013, pp. 181-185
A review of wind turbine noise perception, annoyance and low frequency emission
C. Doolan
Wind Engineering, vol. 37, 2013, pp. 97-104
Hydroacoustic characterisation of the AMC cavitation tunnel
C. Doolan, P. Brandner, D. Butler, B. Pearce, D. Moreau, L. Brooks
Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2013, Acoustics 2013: Science, Technology and Amenity, 2013, pp. 302-308
An on-demand simultaneous annoyance and indoor noise recording technique
C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau
Acoustics Australia, vol. 41, 2013, pp. 141-145
P. Marshallsay, L.A. Brooks, A. Cederholm, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, C. Albarracin
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, vol. 19, 2013
Multiple line arrays for the characterization of aeroacoustic sources using a time-reversal method
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 134, 2013
Application of compact upwind biased finite difference schemes for 2-D time reversal simulations
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell
20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2013, ICSV 2013, vol. 3, 2013, pp. 2277-2284
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell
Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2013, Acoustics 2013: Science, Technology and Amenity, 2013, pp. 37-44
Compact upwind biased dispersion relation preserving finite difference schemes
A. Mimani, C.J. Doolan, P.R. Medwell
20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2013, ICSV 2013, vol. 3, 2013, pp. 2269-2276
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2013, p. 197
An experimental study of the sound produced by junction flows
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2013, ICSV 2013, vol. 1, 2013, pp. 849-856
Flow-induced sound of wall-mounted finite length cylinders
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
AIAA Journal, vol. 51, 2013, pp. 2493-2502
Noise-reduction mechanism of a flat-plate serrated trailing edge
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
AIAA Journal, vol. 51, 2013, pp. 2513-2522
Tonal noise from trailing edge serrations at low Reynolds numbers
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2013, p. 9
Directivity pattern of flow-induced noise from a wallmounted, finite length circular cylinder
R. Porteous, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau
Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2013, Acoustics 2013: Science, Technology and Amenity, 2013, pp. 45-51
A comparison of popular beamforming arrays
Z. Prime, C. Doolan
Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2013, Acoustics 2013: Science, Technology and Amenity, 2013, pp. 151-157
Aerofoil tones produced by a plate with cavity: The effect of acoustic forcing
K.L. Schumacher, C.J. Doolan, R.M. Kelso
Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2013, Acoustics 2013: Science, Technology and Amenity, 2013, pp. 57-62
Indoor infrasound and low-frequency noise monitoring in a rural environment
B. Zajamsek, D. Moreau, C. Doolan, K. Hansen
Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2013, Acoustics 2013: Science, Technology and Amenity, 2013, pp. 464-470
A RANS-based statistical noise model for trailing edge noise
C.A. Albarracin, C.J. Doolan, R.F. Jones, C.H. Hansen, L.A. Brooks, M.D. Teubner
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2012
C.A. Albarracin, P. Marshallsay, L.A. Brooks, A. Cederholm, L. Chen, C.J. Doolan
Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2012, 2012
Low Reynolds number flow over a square cylinder with a detached flat plate
M.S.M. Ali, C.J. Doolan, V. Wheatley
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 36, 2012, pp. 133-141
On the generation of airfoil tonal noise at zero angle of attack and low to moderate Reynolds number
E.J.G. Arcondoulis, C.J. Doolan, L.A. Brooks, A.C. Zander
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2012
Assessment of turbulence models for a wing-in-junction flow
J.L. Coombs, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, A.C. Zander, L.A. Brooks
Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2012, 2012
Vortex shedding during the interaction of a turbulent wake with a cylinder
C.J. Doolan, V. Choley, J. Crespel
Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol. 31, 2012, pp. 141-146
Prediction of noise from a wing-in-junction flow using computational fluid dynamics
C.J. Doolan, J.L. Coombs, D.J. Moreau, A.C. Zander, L.A. Brooks
Australian Acoustical Society Conference 2012, Acoustics 2012: Acoustics, Development, and the Environment, 2012, pp. 706-713
Wind turbine noise mechanisms and some concepts for its control
C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks
Acoustics Australia, vol. 40, 2012, pp. 7-13
Wind turbine noise mechanisms and some concepts for its control
C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks
Acoustics Australia, vol. 40, 2012, pp. 7-13
Vortex shedding and tonal noise from a sharp bevelled trailing edge
C.J. Doolan, M.R. Tetlow, D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, 2012
The effect of sinusoidal airfoil geometry on the reduction of flow induced tonal noise
K. Hansen, C. Doolan
19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2012, ICSV 2012, vol. 3, 2012, pp. 1942-1949
Wind farm noise - What is a reasonable limit in rural areas?
K. Hansen, N. Henrys, C. Hansen, C. Doolan, D. Moreau
Australian Acoustical Society Conference 2012, Acoustics 2012: Acoustics, Development, and the Environment, 2012, pp. 593-600
Reduction of flow induced airfoil tonal noise using leading edge sinusoidal modifications
K. Hansen, R. Kelso, C. Doolan
Acoustics Australia, vol. 40, 2012, pp. 172-177
D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks, C.J. Doolan
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2012
Experimental investigation of flat plate self-noise reduction using trailing edge serrations
D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks, C.J. Doolan
28th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2012, ICAS 2012, vol. 2, 2012, pp. 1022-1031
D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks, C.J. Doolan
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 331, 2012, pp. 3976-3988
On the sound produced by flow interaction with a wall mounted finite length cylinder
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan
Australian Acoustical Society Conference 2012, Acoustics 2012: Acoustics, Development, and the Environment, 2012, pp. 699-705
Characterisation of noise in homes affected by wind turbine noise
B. Nobbs, C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau
Australian Acoustical Society Conference 2012, Acoustics 2012: Acoustics, Development, and the Environment, 2012, pp. 609-613
Longitudinal flight dynamics modelling and control of scramspace I
Z. Prime, C. Doolan, B. Cazzolato, L. Brooks
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, 2012
Aerofoil tones produced by a streamlined plate with cavity
K. Schumacher, C. Doolan, R. Kelso
Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2012, 2012
Flow visualisation of three-dimensional effects in a cavity flow
K. Schumacher, R. Kelso, C. Doolan
Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2012, 2012
Aeroacoustic effects of a cylinder-plate configuration
M. Winkler, K. Becker, C. Doolan, F. Kameier, C.O. Paschereit
AIAA Journal, vol. 50, 2012, pp. 1614-1620
A RANS-based Statistical Noise Model for Trailing Edge Noise
Cristobal Albarracin, Con Doolan, Richard Jones, Colin Hansen, Laura Brooks, M.D. Teubner
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012 Jun
On the generation of airfoil tonal noise at zero angle of attack and low to moderate Reynolds number
Elias Arcondoulis, Con Doolan, Laura Brooks, Anthony Zander
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012 Jun
Danielle Moreau, Laura Brooks, Con Doolan
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012 Jun
Turbulent trailing edge noise estimation using a RANS-based statistical noise model
C.A. Albarracin, C.J. Doolan, C.H. Hansen, L.A. Brooks
Australian Acoustical SocietyConference 2011, Acoustics 2011: Breaking New Ground, 2011, pp. 358-362
Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a detached flat plate
M.S.M. Ali, C.J. Doolan, V. Wheatley
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2011 (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2011
A modification to logarithmic spiral beamforming arrays for aeroacoustic applications
E.J.G. Arcondoulis, C.J. Doolan, L.A. Brooks, A.C. Zander
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2011 (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2011
Airfoil trailing edge noise source location at low to moderate reynolds number
E.J.G. Arcondoulis, C.J. Doolan, L.A. Brooks, A.C. Zander
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2011 (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2011
A review of trailing edge noise generated by airfoils at low to moderate Reynolds number
E.J.G. Arcondoulis, C.J. Doolan, A.C. Zander, L.A. Brooks
Acoustics Bulletin, vol. 36, 2011, pp. 33-40
Wind turbine noise mechanisms and some concepts for its control
C. Doolan
Australian Acoustical SocietyConference 2011, Acoustics 2011: Breaking New Ground, 2011, pp. 494-500
Hypersonic inlet Research for small earth-to-orbit vehicles propelled by laser beams
D. Froning, A. Harrland, C. Doolan
47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit 2011, 2011
Hypersonic inlet for a laser powered propulsion system
A. Harrland, C. Doolan, V. Wheatley, D. Froning
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1402, 2011, pp. 145-157
Minimization of trailing edge noise by parametric airfoil shape modifications
R.F. Jones, C.J. Doolan, M.D. Teubner
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2011 (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2011
Low Reynolds number flow over a square cylinder with a splitter plate
M.S. Mat Ali, C.J. Doolan, V. Wheatley
Physics of Fluids, vol. 23, 2011
Experimental investigation of broadband trailing edge noise from sharp-edged struts
D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks, C.J. Doolan
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2011 (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2011
Flat plate self-noise reduction at low-to-moderate Reynolds number with trailing edge serrations
D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks, C.J. Doolan
Australian Acoustical SocietyConference 2011, Acoustics 2011: Breaking New Ground, 2011, pp. 371-378
On the aeroacoustic tonal noise generation mechanism of a sharp-edged plate
D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks, C.J. Doolan
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 129, 2011
Broadband trailing edge noise from a sharp-edged strut
D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks, C.J. Doolan
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 129, 2011, pp. 2820-2829
D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks, C.J. Doolan
Australian Acoustical SocietyConference 2011, Acoustics 2011: Breaking New Ground, 2011, pp. 379-385
The sound generated by a square cylinder with a splitter plate at low Reynolds number
M. Sukri Mat Ali, C.J. Doolan, V. Wheatley
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 330, 2011, pp. 3620-3635
Analysis of noise generated by a wall mounted finite-length airfoil
N.M. Thota, L.A. Brooks, D.J. Moreau, A.C. Zander, C.J. Doolan
Australian Acoustical SocietyConference 2011, Acoustics 2011: Breaking New Ground, 2011, pp. 386-393
Aeroacoustic effects of a cylinder/plate-configuration
M. Winkler, K. Becker, C. Doolan, F. Kameier, C.O. Paschereit
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2011 (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2011
A Modification to Logarithmic Spiral Beamforming Arrays for Aeroacoustic Applications
Elias Arcondoulis, Con J. Doolan, Laura Brooks, Anthony Zander
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011 Jun
Airfoil Trailing Edge Noise Source Location for Low to Moderate Reynolds Number
Elias Arcondoulis, Con J. Doolan, Laura Brooks, Anthony Zander
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011 Jun
Minimization of trailing edge noise by parametric airfoil shape modifications
Richard Jones, Con J. Doolan, Michael Teubner
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011 Jun
Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a detached flat plate
Mohamed Sukri Mat Ali, Con J. Doolan, Vincent Wheatley
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011 Jun
Experimental investigation of broadband trailing edge noise from sharp-edged struts
Danielle Moreau, Laura Brooks, Con J. Doolan
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011 Jun
Aeroacoustic effects of a cylinder/plate-configuration
Michael Winkler, Klaus Becker, Frank Kameier, Con J. Doolan, Christian Paschereit
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011 Jun
Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a splitter plate
M.S.M. Ali, C.J. Doolan, V. Wheatley
20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010 - Incorporating Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, vol. 1, 2010, pp. 135-142
A review of trailing edge noise generated by airfoils at low to moderate reynolds number
E.J.G. Arcondoulis, C.J. Doolan, A.C. Zander, L.A. Brooks
Acoustics Australia, vol. 38, 2010, pp. 129-133
Design and calibration of a small aeroacoustic beamformer
E.J.G. Arcondoulis, C.J. Doolan, A.C. Zander, L.A. Brooks
20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010 - Incorporating Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, vol. 1, 2010, pp. 143-150
Computational bluff body aerodynamic noise prediction using a statistical approach
C.J. Doolan
Applied Acoustics, vol. 71, 2010, pp. 1194-1203
Statistical estimation of turbulent trailing edge noise
C.J. Doolan, C. Albarracin Gonzalez, C.H. Hansen
20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010 - Incorporating Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, vol. 1, 2010, pp. 162-170
Reduction of flow induced tonal noise through leading edge tubercle modifications
K.L. Hansen, R.M. Kelso, C.J. Doolan
16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (31st AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2010
Flow around a square cylinder with a detached downstream flat plate at a low Reynolds number
M.S. Mat Ali, C.J. Doolan, V. Wheatley
17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference 2010, 2010, pp. 308-311
The flow and noise generated by a sharp trailing edge
D.J. Moreau, C.J. Doolan, M.R. Tetlow, M. Roberts, L.A. Brooks
17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference 2010, 2010, pp. 749-752
Acoustic analysis of flat plate trailing edge noise
D.J. Moreau, M.R. Tetlow, L.A. Brooks, C.J. Doolan
20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010 - Incorporating Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, vol. 1, 2010, pp. 210-217
Linear-parameter-varying control of an improved three-degree-of-freedom aeroelastic model
Z. Prime, B. Cazzolato, C. Doolan, T. Strganac
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 33, 2010, pp. 615-618
K. Schumacher, C. Doolan, R. Kelso
17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference 2010, 2010, pp. 832-835
M. Weinmann, R.D. Sandberg, C.J. Doolan
16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (31st AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2010
Airfoil noise measurements at various angles of attack and low Reynolds number
E.J.G. Arcondoulis, C.J. Doolan, A.C. Zander
Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2009 - Acoustics 2009: Research to Consulting, 2009, pp. 68-75
Quasi-one-dimensional model of hydrogen-fueled scramjet combustors
C. Birzer, C.J. Doolan
Journal of Propulsion and Power, vol. 25, 2009, pp. 1220-1225
Aeroacoustic simulation of bluff body noise using a hybrid statistical method
C.J. Doolan
Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2009 - Acoustics 2009: Research to Consulting, 2009, pp. 61-67
Flat-plate interaction with the near wake of a square cylinder
C.J. Doolan
AIAA Journal, vol. 47, 2009, pp. 475-478
Flow and Noise simulation of the NASA Tandem Cylinder experiment using OpenFOAM
C.J. Doolan
15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (30th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2009
Stochastically generated turbulence for wall bounded flows
R.F. Jones, C.J. Doolan, M.D. Teubner
ANZIAM Journal, vol. 51, 2009
The interaction of a bluff body with a vortex wake
D.J.J. Leclercq, C.J. Doolan
Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol. 25, 2009, pp. 867-888
A review of airfoil trailing edge noise and its prediction
C.J. Doolan
Acoustics Australia, vol. 36, 2008, pp. 7-13
A quasi-one-dimensional mixing and combustion code for trajectory optimisation and design studies
C.J. Doolan, R. Boycey
15th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2008
Z. Prime, B. Cazzolato, C. Doolan
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2008
Quasi-one-dimensional modeling of hydrogen fuelled scramjet combustors
C. Birzer, C.J. Doolan
Collection of Technical Papers - 18th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, vol. 2, 2007, pp. 1325-1337
Numerical evaluation of contemporary low-speed wind tunnel contraction designs
C.J. Doolan
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, vol. 129, 2007, pp. 1241-1244
Numerical simulation of a blunt airfoil wake
C.J. Doolan
Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 16AFMC, 2007, pp. 1095-1101
Hypersonic missile performance and sensitivity analysis
C.J. Doolan
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 44, 2007, pp. 81-87
An anechoic wind tunnel for the investigation of the main-rotor/tail-rotor blade vortex interaction
C.J. Doolan, D. Leclercq
American Helicopter Society International - 6th Australian Pacific Vertiflite Conference on Helicopter Technology and International Helicopter Safety Team South Pacific Regional Conference 2007, 2007, pp. 3-12
Numerical evaluation and optimization of low speed wind tunnel contractions
C.J. Doolan, R.C. Morgans
Collection of Technical Papers - 18th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, vol. 1, 2007, pp. 71-85
Development and validation of a small-scale anechoic wind tunnel
D. Leclercq, C. Doolan, J. Reichl
14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2007, ICSV 2007, vol. 1, 2007, pp. 556-563
Derivative free global optimisation of CFD simulations
R.C. Morgans, C.J. Doolan, D.W. Stephens
Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 16AFMC, 2007, pp. 1432-1435
Comparison of hydrogen and hydrocarbon-fueled scramjet engines for orbital insertion
M.R. Tetlow, C.J. Doolan
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 44, 2007, pp. 365-373
An air-launched hypersonic vehicle performance model
C.J. Doolan
Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, vol. 4, 2006, pp. 2684-2693
Orbital payload delivery using hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuelled scramjet engines
M.R. Tetlow, C.J. Doolan
IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, vol. 2006, 2006
A supersonic combustion model for scramjet vehicle performance studies
C.J. Doolan
5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2005: Celebrating Prof. Bob Bilger{'}s 70th Birthday, 2005, pp. 457-460
Experimental study of the three dimensionality of orthogonal blade-vortex interaction
T. Wang, C.J. Doolan, F.N. Coton, R.A.M. Galbraith
AIAA Journal, vol. 40, 2002, pp. 2037-2046
Surface pressure measurements of the orthogonal vortex interaction
C.J. Doolan, F.N. Coton, R.A.M. Galbraith
AIAA journal, vol. 39, 2001, pp. 88-95
The effect of a preceding blade on the orthogonal vortex interaction
C.J. Doolan, F.N. Coton, R.A.McD. Galbraith
Journal of the American Helicopter Society, vol. 46, 2001, pp. 221-227
Measurements of the orthogonal blade-vortex interaction using a particle image velocimetry technique
R.B. Green, C.J. Doolan, R.M. Cannon
Experiments in Fluids, vol. 29, 2000, pp. 369-379
Measurement of three-dimensional vortices using a hot wire anemometer
C.J. Doolan, F.N. Coton, R.A.M. Galbraith
30th Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1999
Three-dimensional vortex interactions with a stationary blade
C.J. Doolan, F.N. Coton, R.A.McD. Galbraith
Aeronautical Journal, vol. 103, 1999, pp. 579-587
Modeling mass entrainment in a quasi-one-dimensional shock tube code
C.J. Doolan, P.A. Jacobs
AIAA Journal, vol. 34, 1996, pp. 1291-1293
A two stage free-piston driver for expansion tubes
C.J. Doolan, R.G. Morgan
34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 1996
Chaoyang Jiang, Charitha de Silva, Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau
Applied Acoustics, vol. 227, Elsevier BV, 2025 Jan, p. 110214
Con Doolan
Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Springer Nature Singapore, 2024, pp. 13–24
Trailing-Edge Bluntness Noise Attenuation Using Spanwise Varying Porosity
John Kershner, Chaoyang Jiang, Manuj Awasthi, Danielle Moreau, Con J Doolan, Lorna J Ayton, Thomas F Geyer, Justin W Jaworski
30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024), 2024, p. 3288
Ahmed Osama Mahgoub, Chaoyang Jiang, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan, Charitha de Silva
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2024, p. 109337
Airfoil Noise Reduction Produced by Leading Edge Serrations
Angus O Wills, Manuj Awasthi, Danielle Moreau, Charitha de Silva, Con J Doolan
30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024), 2024, p. 3347
A mathematical model for the interaction of anisotropic turbulence with porous surfaces
Alistair D.G. Hales, Lorna J. Ayton, Angus O. Wills, Chaoyang Jiang, Charitha de Silva, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 1001, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2024 Dec
A mathematical model for the interaction of anisotropic turbulence with a rigid leading edge
Alistair D.G. Hales, Lorna J. Ayton, Chaoyang Jiang, Ahmed Mahgoub, Roman Kisler, Rowena Dixon, Charitha de Silva, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 970, 2023, pp. A29
A mathematical model for the interaction of anisotropic turbulence with a rigid leading edge
Alistair D.G. Hales, Lorna J. Ayton, Chaoyang Jiang, Ahmed Mahgoub, Roman Kisler, Rowena Dixon, Charitha de Silva, Danielle Moreau, Con Doolan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 970, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2023 Sep
Experimental investigation of airfoil-turbulence interaction noise
Roman Kisler, Chaoyang Jiang, Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau, Charitha de Silva
UNSW Sydney, 2022